[3] For-profit outsourcing and its effects on placement stability and locality for children in care in england, 2011–2022: A longitudinal ecological analysis.

Published in Child Abuse and Neglect, with Anders Bach-Mortensen and Jane Barlow, 2023

Interpretation: Our analyses show that placement stability and distance have deteriorated or stagnated over the last decade, and that the local authorities that rely most on outsourcing have the highest rates of placement disruptions and out-of-area placements.

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Media Coverage: Guardian

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Recommended citation: Bach-Mortensen, A. M., Goodair, B., & Barlow, J. (2023). For-profit outsourcing and its effects on placement stability and locality for children in care in england, 2011–2022: A longitudinal ecological analysis. Child Abuse & Neglect, 106245.